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London: with Debora |
E ai galera blz? Espero q sim...
Hey folks, what´s up? I hope you are ok...
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London: Chiquinho, Angelo and Hugo |
Todo esse meu periodo de chegada na Europa foi um pouco conturbadopor entregas de mercadorias, mudancas na tripulacao e a preparacao para os cruzeiros regulares, o que incluia o novo itinerario da companhia para a Noruega. Antes de atingirmos essa nova rota pudemos ter aperitivos de algumas cidades bem legais, no meu caso ja conhecia algumas e com o pouco tempo que tinhamos nesses portos aproveitei para rever amigos e relaxar.
This whole period of my arrival in Europe was a little troubled due by deliveries of goods, changes in the staff and the preparation for the regular cruises, which included the company's new itinerary for Norway. Before we reach this new route we had some "cool appetizers cities", in my case as I already knew some of it I enjoyed the little time that we had on these ports to meet friends and relax.
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London: Angelo and Hugo |
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London: Chiquinho and Hugo |
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London: Greta |
A medida que o navio avanca rumo ao norte da Europa mais o frio se intensificava. Na segunda parada em Lisboa além do frio ainda tinha uma chuva e um vento muito forte que incomodavam bastante. No Porto além de estarmos um pouco distante do centro que eu ja conhecia o frio também nao ajudou muito, sai apenas para uma volta com a Greta e aproveitamos pra comer uma francesinha. Nesse mesmo dia aproveitei para ver o ensaio geral antes da estréia do novo show da companhia: Sorry com musicas da Madonna, foi bem legal, pois geralmente estou trabalhando e do localem que eu fico só consigo ouvir as apresentacoes.
As the ship moves towards northern Europe the cold intensified. At the second stop in Lisbon beyond the cold still had some rain and a very strong wind that bothered a lot. In Porto besides the dock being a bit far from downtown that I already knew the cold temperature did not help a lot I just went out for a ride with Greta and we take the chance to eat a "francesinha". On that same day I got the chance to see the premiere rehearsal of the new companie´s show: Sorry with Madonna´s songs, it was pretty cool, because usually I'm working and from my the work place I can only hear the presentations.
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Cherbourg, France |
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Cherbourg: picnic with Greta |
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Cherbourg: Clei and Konstantin |
Apesar de ser uma cidade pequena a parada em Cherbourg foi legal para literalmente degustar um pouco de um prazer frances que tanto adoro: a comida. Acompanhado da Greta fomos ao supermercado e a uma padaria onde novamente pude apreciar coisas simples, mas que naquele pais sao tao deliciosas e por um preco muito acessivel. Compramos paes, manteiga, queijo e vinho; sentamos num gramado afastado que encontramos e curtimos bastante.
Despite being a small town stopping at Cherbourg was pretty cool to literally taste a bit of a French pleasure I love: food. Accompanied by Greta I went to the supermarket and a bakery where I could appreciate some simple things again but that in France is so delicious and for a very affordable price. We bought bread, butter, cheese and wine, sat on a distant lawn that we found and we had a great time.
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My "Trio Nordestino friends" (Samuel, Clodoaldo and Diego) plus Sergio |
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Jane |
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Alex, Konstantin and Clei |
As novidades dessa rota foram as cidades de Bilbao e La Coruña na Espanha, onde também tivemos pouco tempo pra conhecer, mas confesso ter adorado o pouco que vi e foi legal também poder visitar ainda que rapidamente algumas livrarias. A grande frustacao para mim foi Hamburgo na Alemanha onde tivemos uma entrega de mercadorias um pouco confusa e conseguimos sair do navio por apenas uma hora e meia e mesmo com toda a informacao prévia que tinha da cidade e sendo um sabado, consegui apenas caminhar ao redor do porto.
The new places for me on this route were the cities of Bilbao and La Coruna in Spain, where we also had very short time to visit but I confess enjoyed the few places that I saw and it was cool also to visit quickly some bookstores. The great frustration for me was Hamburg in Germany where we had a bit confusing delivery of goods and we leave the ship for just an hour and a half, and even having some previous information from the city and being a Saturday, I just had a walk around the port.
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Cherbourg, France |
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Cherbourg: not the best glass but a great wine |
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Cherbourg: Fabia... yummy!!! |
Em Amsterdam paramos num porto que ficava a cerca de 40 minutos distante e mesmo com cerca de 5 horas apenas para aproveitar confesso que foi uma tarde bem legal e pude ter mais um aperitivo dessa fascinante cidade. A situacao de estar numa cidade vizinha foi semelhante na capital da Inglaterra e lamentei apenas nao ter saido mais cedo de trem ao inves de esperar a excursao da tripulacao, mas no final tudo deu certo pra mim, mesmo me perdendo da Greta e tendo de voltar de trem. Foi muito legal poder rever por algumas horas amigos especiais e que sempre fazem falta. Encontrei a Debora, minha amiga escoteira e que foi meu anjo da guarda quando fiquei em Londres e juntos degustamos um gostoso almoco brasileiro com direito ate a bolo prestigio. Pena que ela so tinha o horario de almoco livre.
In Amsterdam the ship docked at a port which was about 40 minutes apart so we had about 5 hours only to enjoy the afternoon but I confess that it was pretty cool and I have another "tasting" of this fascinating city. The situation of being in a neighboring town was similar in the capital of England and I only regretted not having left early by train instead of waiting for the crew tour but in the end everything worked out for me even I got lost from Greta and getting back by train. It was very nice to being able to review just for a few hours some special friends that are always missing. I found Debora my scout friend and also my guardian angel when I was in London and together we had a delicious Brazilian lunch including "Prestigio" cake for desert. I felt sorry for having only her lunch break free time.
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La Coruña, Spain |
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La Coruña: Clei and Greta |
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La Coruña: wishing for a Bjork concert |
Em seguida encontrei o Angelo que me acompanhou na minha pequena corrida a algumas lojas que ja tinha em mente algumas coisas pra comprar como uma mala nova de viagem. Infelizmente tive de cancelar uma das tres lojas da minha lista e entao numa ligacao estavamos juntos como nos bons tempos de Island Cruises eu, o Angelo, o Hugo e o Chiquinho. Confesso que gostaria de passar mais tempos com eles, mas foi legal sentar em outro restaurante brasileiro novo e bem estlizado da cidade e tomar cerveja da patria amada em copo americano. Aliás, vale o comentário de que parece haver muito mais comercios brasileiros se comparado com a epoca em estive por la, so nessa rapida passagem eu vi pelo menos 5 deles.
Then I met Angelo who accompanied me in my little run to some stores that already had in mind a few things to buy as a new travel bag. Unfortunately I had to cancel one of three stores on my list and then with a phone call in a few minutes we were together like in the good times Island Cruises: myself, Angelo, Hugo and Chiquinho. I confess that I would spend more time with them but it was cool to sit in another cool and new Brazilian restaurat in town and drink national beer in typical glass. Actually I have to mention that it seems to have much more Brazilian establishments compared with the time that I lived in there on a quickly look I saw at least 5 of them.
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Amsterdam, Netherlands |
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Amsterdam, Netherlands |
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Amsterdam, Netherlands |
On board slowly we started to visit the crew bar again and we could literally feel in the skin the dropof the temperature because on the Empress our bar is on deck 11 in an area outside of the ship. So imagine a large hall made of metal and glass getting cold outside. But it was nice to feel the staff who was on board during the Brazilian season getting closer. It was a smaller group but we start talking more and rolled up some genuine affection between us.
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Sorry show |
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Sorry show |
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Sorry show |
No trabalho confesso que me sentia cada vez mais cansado e ansioso pra ir embora, mas nao podia simplesmente esmorecer na reta final, afinal houveram algumas mudancas na equipe e a participacao de nos que estavamos a mais tempo era importante pra manter o bom andamento das operacoes. Pra mim foi diferente lidar com grupos maiores de passageiros Espanhois e Portugueses, que sao bem diferentes dos Ingleses, americanos e brasileiros que havia trabalhado antes. Nesse cruzeiro ainda tinhamos de lidar com um grupo de cerca de 200 passageiros russos que apesar de bons compradores alguns deles so sabiam falar conosco no idioma deles. Em alguns momentos foi divertido lidar com eles. E foi muito legal ouvir de varias pessoas que gostariam de que eu ficasse mais tempo a bordo com elas, eu envaidecido respondia que apesar das saudades que sentiria deles eu precisa ir embora pra descansar.
At work I confess that I felt increasingly tired and anxious to leave but I could not simply fade away in the final, after all there were some changes in the shop staff and it was important that we who were longer on board to keep the operations running well. For me it was different to deal with larger groups of Spanish and Portuguese passengers which are quite different from the British, Americans and Brazilians who I had worked before. In this cruise I still had to deal with a group of about 200 Russian passengers that despite good buyers some of them only knew to speak with us in their language. Sometimes it was fun to deal with it. And it was very nice to hear some people saying they would like me to stay longer on board with them, I flattered replied that despite missing them I felt a real need of leaving and have some rest.
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La Coruña, Spain |
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La Coruña, Spain |
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La Coruña, Spain |
Galera vou parar por aqui e em alguns dias contos os momentos finais desse contrato na Noruega.
Guys I'll stop here and in a few days I will post about my final moments of this contract in Norway.
Beijos, lov u all!!!
Kisses, lov u all!!!
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Adriano, Clei and Chris |
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Konstantin, Clei and Alex |
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Cherbourg, France |
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Cherbourg, France |
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London, England: Soho |
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Porto: Greta and Julio |
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Porto: Greta and "francesinha" |
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Spain |
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Bilbao, Spain |
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Bilbao, Spain |
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Bilbao, Spain |
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Hamburg: Clei |
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Hamburg, Germany |
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Hamburg, Germany |