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Civitavecchia, Italy with "sujinhos" |
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Livorno, Italy with Luciana |
E ai galera blz?! Espero que sim…
Hey folks, what´s up?! I hope you are ok…
Esse ultimo mes foi bem corrido por causa do trabalho e por eu querer aproveitar o que devem ser meus últimos momentos desse contrato. Caso nada mude (afinal em navios tudo pode acontecer ate o ultimo minuto) estarei desembarcando em dois días. Devido a preparacao para a temporada brasileira e para o Dry Doc estamos recebendo uma grande quantidade de mercadorías e isso significa muito trabalho, pois tudo tem de ser conferido e organizado nos espacos limitados do navio e o quanto antes possivel. A coisa chata é que quando o Gastao (amigo master sujo da Argentina) veio visitar o navio a gente pouco conseguiu estar juntos. A coisa chata é que quando o Gastao (amigo master sujo da Argentina) veio visitar o navio a gente pouco conseguiu estar juntos.
This last month has being very busy due of work and also because I want to enjoy what should be my last moments of this contract. If nothing changes (after all in ships anything can happen until the last minute) I will be disembarking in two days. Due to preparation for theBrazilian season and Dry Doc we are receveing a lot of goods and that means a lot of work, because everything has to be checked and organized in the ship´s limited spaces as soon as possible. The annoying thing is that when Gastao (dirty master friend from Argentina) came to visit the ship we didn't spend much time together.
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Last Crew Party: people after party!!! |
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Last Crew Party: Oscar and Ignacio |
No ultimo mes encontrei a Luciana novamente e passamos outra excelente tarde juntos. Almocando com ela no Azamara Journey ainda encontrei o Edgar da Island Cruises que agora está trabalhando por la. Alias, devido a agitacao das ultimas semanas e tambem pela ansiedade de receber a confirmacao do meu voo (que so chegou 2 dias atrás) me perdi no tempo e acabei deixando passar o aniversario da Luciana e do meu pai. Aquí no navio isso e fácil de acontecer, principalmente numa rota como essa que nao muda, muitos de nos tripulantes nos acostumamos a contar os días pelos portos. Por exemplo ontem foi Civita (vecchia), hoje é Livorno e amanha é Villefranche. Com meu pai ainda consegui falar com ele no dia do aniversario devido a diferenca do fuso horario, a Luciana me conhece bem e entendeu completamente.
In the last month I met Luciana again and spent another great afternoon together. Having lunch with her on the Azamara Journey also met with Edgar from Island Cruises who is now working for Azamara. Actually due to agitation of the last few weeks and also the anxiety of receiving the confirmation of my flight (which only happened 2 days ago) I got lost in the time and ended up missing Luciana's birthday and also my dad´s birthday. Here on the ship that is so easy to happen especially on a route like this one that does not change, many of the crew have gotten used to count the days by the ports. For example yesterday was Civita (vecchia), today is Livorno and tomorrow is Villefranche. With my father I could still talk to him on the day of his anniversary due to the time zone difference, Luciana knows me well and completely understood the situation.
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The Crew Bar Managers |
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Crew Meeting @ Azamara Journey: Edgar |
Demorou para isso acontecer mas estou totalmente adaptado ao Soveregn e mesmo com as “dificuldades naturais” do navio estou gostando daqui e desse contrato. Apesar do frio que as vezes atrapalha a diversao no nosso bar da tripulacao, que é aberto, a vida social tem sido bem legal e mesmo com alegría de ir para casa descansar vai ser bem ruim deixar essa galera daqui para tras. Como estou na correría de arrumar malas e aproveitar bem o tempo livre por aquí, essa vai ser uma postagem bem curta. Tem muita foto legal dos últimos sambas no crew bar na pagina do Na Cabine no Facebook e ainda tem muitas outras bem legais da ultima crew party que aconteceu días atrás e prometo posta-las em breve.
It took me some time for that to happen but I am fully adapted to Soveregn and even with the "natural difficulties" of the ship and I'm enjoying this contract. Despite the cold that sometimes hinder the fun of the crew at our bar, which is open, the social life has been pretty cool and even with the joyof going home and have some rest it will be pretty bad leave these guys here behind. As I am in a rush to pack bags and enjoy my free time on here, this will be a very short post. It has a lot of cool pictures of the recent sambas in the crew bar on the Na Cabine Facebook page and I still have many other really cool pictures from the last crew party that happened a few days ago and I promise to post it soon.
Beijos / Kisses, Lov u all!!!
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Hairy Madonna (Munir) and Her Security (Paulao): animation work |
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"Gente Suja" reunida!!! |
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Bolo das Riiiiicas: Carol and Jenifer |
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Barcelona with Fabia |
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Praying for "my sujinhos" |
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Barcelona, Spain @ Casa Batló |
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Civitavecchia, Italy with Bruna |
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Gastao and Garikai |
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Nemias |
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Sovereign leaving Barcelona, Spain |
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Munir: animation work |
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Top 20 @ Polish TV |
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Last Crew Party: the boss´family!!! |
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Paulina |
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Bruna, Lucas and Oscar |
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Carol and Jenifer |
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Amoy |
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My "Dirty Masters" |
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Beatriz, Fabia and Jenifer |
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Simona and Lina |
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Mariano and Carol |
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Last Cruise Night: shops meeting |
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Leaving BCN: Ignacio, Bruna and Carol |
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Las Tiendas staff |
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Patricia and Simona |
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Barcelona, Spain @ Casa Batló |
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Samba @ Sovereign Crew bar: people |
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Samba @ Sovereign Crew bar: people |