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With Luciana @ Civitavecchia, Italy |
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With Luciana @ Azamara Journey |
E ai galera blz?! Espero que sim…
Hey folks,
what´s up?! I hope you are ok…
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Antonio and Luciana @ Civitavecchia, Italy |
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Para mais fotos da Festa da Independencia Brasileira e da Noite de Samba no crew bar acesse a pagina do Na Cabine no Facebook For more pictures from the Brazilian Independence Party and also from the Samba Night @ Crew Bar visit Na Cabine Facebook page |
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Cabin Corridor |
A pesar da rotina do trabalho e do mesmo itinerario semanal
posso dizer que tenho alguns acontecimentos interesantes para contar… O mais
legal para mim foi reencontrar a Luciana semana pasada em Civitavecchia, eu
estava precisando encontrar um verdadeiro amigo. Eu visitei o navio dela no
momento, o Azamara Journey que é super classico e lindo, como diría o Dimy mágico da temporada
brasileira: “de outro niiiivel!” mesmo. Depois de botar o papo em dia, a gente
saiu para comer pizza e entao fizemos uma sessao rápida de “compraterapia”. E
se tudo der certo a gente ainda se encontra uma vez mais. Ainda encontramos o
Antonio que agora esta a bordo do Liberty of the Seas.
Despite the
routine of work and even the same weekly itinerary I can say that I have some
interesting events to tell ... The coolest thing for me was meeting Luciana
last week in Civitavecchia, I was needing to see a true friend. I visited her
present ship the Azamara Journey which is super classic and beautiful, as Dimy
the magician of the Brazilian season would say: " it´s from another
leeeevel!" indeed. After some gossip up date, we went out for pizza and
then made a quick session of "shopping therapy." And if everything
goes well we still meet once more. We also meet Antonio that is now onboard the
Liberty of the Seas.
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Na Cabine flooded |
Esse ultimo dia de navegcao comecou agitado para mim com o
meu companheiro de cabine o Emanuel me acordando aos berros de que a cabine
estava alagada. Meu primeiro pensamento foi: “por que ese louco esta me
chamando antes da hora sabendo que hoje trabalharemos praticamente o dia todo?
Eu por acaso tenho cara de encanador?!?!”. Nisso nao consegui dormir mais e
comecei a tirar tudo do chao que tinha o carpete encharcado de agua que havia
vasado do encanamento da cabine vizinha. Passamos tres noites dormindo numa
outra cabine enquanto a nossa tinha um enorme ventilador secando o carpete que
ja havia sido drenado por uma maquina. Quando isso acontece nos causa um certo
transtorno: a cabine fica com um forte e horrivel cheiro de molhado, vem sempre
gente na cabine fazer o conserto e nesse caso tinha que ir de uma cabine para
outra buscar algo pessoal. Ainda bem que foi apenas um vazamento de agua e nao
de esgoto.
This last
sea day started busy to myself with my cabin mate Emmanuel waking me up
screaming that the cabin was flooded. My first thought was, "why is this
crazy guy calling me ahead of my waking time knowing that today we will work
practically all day long?Do I look like a plumber guy?!? ". After this I
could not sleep anymore and I started taking all my stuff from the wet carpet
of water that came from the neighboring cabin. We spent three nights sleeping
in another cabin, while ours had a huge fan drying the carpet that had already
been drained by a machine. When this happens cause a certain disorder: the
cabin has a strong and horrible smell of wet and there is always people coming
to repair the "thing" and in
this case we had to go from one cabin to another to get something. Thankfully
it was just a leak of water and not sewage.
Na Cabine flooded
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Florence, Italy |
Na tarde desse mesmo dia o capitao fez um anuncio que por
motivos de seguranca a empresa havia cancelado a nossa parada na Tunisia e
estaríamos indo para Pallermo. Foi bom porque isso nos deu mais tempo de
descanso, mas para nos que trabalhamos nas lojas do navio significou um
prejuizo: como o navio nao sai da Comunidade europeia fomos proibidos de vender
licor e tabaco sem imposto. Como temo suma loja fechada o trabalho fica
facilitado por termos uma pessoas a mais para ajudar, mas nao é um folga bem
vinda por nenhum de nos.
On the afternoon of the same day the captain made an
announcement that for security reasons the company had canceled our stop in
Tunisia and we would be going to Pallermo. It was good because it gave us more
time to rest but for us who work shops
that meant a prejudice: as the ship don´t leaves the European Community were
prohibited from selling liquor and tobacco duty free. As one shop is closed
shop we have the facility of having one extra people to help but this is not a
welcome benefit for us.
Florence, Italy
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Florence, Italy
Desde que cheguei aquí no Sovereign varias nacionalidades de
tripulantes a bordo celebraram a independencia de seus países. Infelizmente eu
nao tenho foto de todas elas, mas cada um a sua maneira fez algum tipo de
celebracao: algumas mais elaboradas, outras mais animadas e quase todo mundo
quis matar a vontade de comida local e mostrar pros demais um pouco da sua
cultura e costumes. Tivemos nesses dois meses festa da: Colombia, Peru, India,
Indonesia, Mexico e Honduras, Chile e Brasil. A nossa (festa brasileira) nao
foi a mais elaborada e nem a melhor organizada, mas certamente foi uma das mais
animadas (se nao a mais animada). Amei comer comida colombiana, indiana, e
chilena. Alias días atrás comi muita empanada chilena com um molho picante e
muita sangría. Desde os tempos da Island
cruises que eu nao via tanta festa de independencia junta, bem legal.
Since I
arrived here in Sovereign various nationalities of the crew celebrated the
independence of their countries. Unfortunately I have no photo of all these
parties but each in their own way made some kind of celebration: some more
elaborate, others more lively and almost everyone wanted to eat the own food
and also to share a bit of their culture and customs . We had on these two
months the parties of Colombia, Peru, India, Indonesia, Mexico and Honduras,
Chile and Brazil. Our (Brazilian party) was not the most elaborate and neither
well organized but it was certainly one of the liveliest (if not the most
lively). I loved eating food from Colombia, India and Chile. Al few days ago I
ate a lot of Chilean empanada with a spicy sauce and lots of sangria. Since the
days on the Island cruises I havent experienced lots of independence party
together, pretty cool.
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Florence, Italy
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Florence, Italy
No quesito passeios nao tenho muito
mais o que contar: fui numa excursao para tripulantes para Florencia, que eu
adoro, mas nao ando muito empolgado para repetir outras ciudades. O pessoal da
loja esta tentando me arrastar para Roma e para Monaco, mas eu ando meio
resistente a ideia por enquanto. Nas lojas o trabalho segue com días pesados e
e tres días mais sossegados. As mudancas da equipe ja comecaram, mas o clima
entre o grupo em si parece estar melhor, claro que sempre temos nossos días
On the
issue of tours I do not have much more to tell: I went to a crew excursion to
Florence, which I love but do not stray too excited to repeat other cities. The
store staff is trying to drag me to Rome and Monaco but I'm resisting the idea
for now. In stores work continues with three heavy days heavy and than quieter
days. The changes on the team has already begun but the mood among the group
itself seems to be better, of course we always have our bad days.
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Florence, Italy
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Florence, Italy: Mariana and Ignacio |
Por falar em días ruins, foi bem ruim presenciar alguem
próximo, da nossa equipe receber a noticia de falecimento de um familiar.
Infelizmente ele nao pode ir para casa pois tinha acabado de chegar de la com
uma pausa no contrato, que ele ainda esta pagando pelas despesas. Enfim esse é
um tema delicado e chato, pois ninguem embarca pensando nessas coisas ruins,
mas infelizmente elas podem acontecer. As vezes as coisas podem ser arranjadas
para um intervalo no contrato, mas outras nao. O time todo sentiu como esse
choque e foram días bem ruins, mas a nossa rotina segue.
aboutf bad days, it was pretty bad witness someone close from our staff receive
the message of the death of a family member. Unfortunately he can not go home
because he had just come from from a work break in the contract and he is still
paying for the expenses. Anyway this is a sensitive topic and boring, because
nobody embarks thinking of those bad things, but unfortunately it can happen.
Sometimes things can be arranged for a work break in the contract but not
others. The whole team felt such shock and these days were pretty bad, but our
routine follows.
Desculpe, mas preciso terminar por aquí, beijos com saudades
de casa!!!
Sorry but I need to finish here, kisses
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Florence, Italy
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Florence, Italy: with Mariana and Ignacio |
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Florence, Italy: Gabriel and Gisela |
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Civitavecchia, Italy: Azamaras Quest and Journey |
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Azamara Journey |
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Livorno, Italy: with Beatriz |
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Livorno, Italy: oriental lunch |
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Livorno, Italy: Beatriz and Gisela |
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Livorno, Italy: Catalin and Pablo |
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Livorno, Italy
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Barcelona, Spain: happy and free Milca |
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Sunset on the Mediterranean Sea @ Sovereign: one of these great simple experiences |
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Sunset on the Mediterranean Sea @ Sovereign
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Sunset on the Mediterranean Sea @ Sovereign
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Sunset on the Mediterranean Sea @ Sovereign
Sunset on the Mediterranean Sea @ Sovereign: Mariano |
Las Tiendas Happy Hour :
depois do trabalho
after work
Aniversário da Jenifer
Jenifer's Birthday
Festa da Independencia Mexicana e Hondurenha (e aniversario da Carolina)
Mexican and Honduran Independence Party (and Carolina´s birthday)