Horizon: great time, great team! |
E ai galera, blz?! Espero que sim…
Hey folks, what´s
up?! I hope you are ok…
Finalmente volto a escrever pois estou em casa, de férias. Esse ultimo
contrato foi bem corrido, mas foi um periodo bem legal. Novamente o velho
problema se repetiu: muitas vezes estava
tao cansado e ja tinha passado tanto tempo no computador que nao tinha nenhuma
disposicao no meu tempo livre para atualizar o blog. Aproveito para divulgar a
pagina do blog no Facebook, muitas vezes era mais fácil e pratico postar uma
foto ou simplesmente uma nota rápida de algo do navio. E so acessar e curtir a
pagina: Na Cabine no Facebook
Finally I am writing
again but just because I'm at home, on vacation. The last contract was very
busy but it was a cool period. Again I had the old problem: on many times I was
so tired and had already spent long time working on the computer that I really did
not feel like up dating the blog on my free time. I will take this opportunity
again to promote the blog page on Facebook on many times is easier and
practical for me just to publish a photo or just a quick note about something
on the ship. You just have to access and Like the page: Na Cabine Facebook page
I will always miss "mis pecadores" |
Panama: crew and pax having fun |
Mother´s crew: Carminha do Oasis |
Minhas ultimas postagens foram bem rápidas e sem nenhum
detalhe. Vou contar esse periodo em duas postagens: agora conto os meus últimos
días no Horizon e se tudo der certo antes de acabar minhas ferias conto o tempo
no Sovereign. Como ja citei aquí a minha experiencia no Horizon foi incrivel.
Cheguei la num momento conturbado pois a gerente anterior havia renunciado de
uma hora para outra e ja nem estava a bordo quando cheguei. E mesmo assim eu
tive uma experiencia maravilhosa com a equipe das lojas de la.
My last posts were
very fast and without any detail. I'll count this period into two posts: on
this one my last days on the Horizon and hopefully before ending my vacation I
will write about my time at the Sovereign. As I
already mentioned on before my experience at the Horizon was incredible.
I embarked in a troubled time because
the previous manager had resigned at last minute and she was not on board when
I arrived. Anyway I had a wonderful experience
with the gift shop team.
.JPG) |
Mari, Captain and Sig |
Vinod and Babusito |
Curacao: crew meeting |
No navio havia muita coisa acontecendo: acho que a
principal delas foi a exigencia do Capitao de que toda a tripulacao deveria
aprimorar os conhecimentos em procedimentos de segurnaca e odetalhe mais
importante em Ingles. A vida social do Horizon continuou bem tranquila, mas
tinha momentos legais. E outro detalhe legal por ser um barco pequeno a
tripulacao se conhecia e havia alguma interacao com o pessoal de outros
departamentos. E minha penúltima noite fiz uma festinha de despedida e confesso
que comemorei como em outros contratos. O único problema foi fazer exercicio de
emergencia na manha seguinte. Isso mesmo no meu ultimo dia tive simulado e para
pela minha cara de cansado la vem o 2º Capitao me bombardear de perguntas sobre
On the ship there was
a lot going on: I think the main one was the Captain´s requirement that the
entire crew had to improve the knowledge on safety procedures but in English.
The social life of the Horizon continued very quiet but there was some nice
moments. And another cool thing due to being a small ship there was some more
interaction with the crew from other departments. Two nights before I disembark
I had my farewell party and I confess that I celebrated like in my old
contracts. The only problem was to attend emergency exercise on the next
morning. Believe me I had crew drill on my last day on board and probably because
my tired face the Staff Captain asked me several safety questions.
Mi chikitita loka |
Horizon in Aruba |
Marifel |
Minha cabine tinha um particularidade era na frente do
navio e em alguns días balancava bastante e o mais confortavel era ficar
deitado, se bem que o pouco tempo livre que tinha era para descansar. Nesse
contrato o plano de ir academia fracassou por completo. Eu quase sempre
terminava de trabalhar por volta de uma hora da manha, as vezes mais tarde e na
maioria dos días eu tinha de acordar cedo. Adorava quando nao tinha podía dormir
ate um pouco mais tarde e foi numa dessas manhas que fui acordado com um
telefonema que dizia que eu desembarcaría na manha seguinte.
My cabin had a
peculiarity was in front of the ship and sometimes It moves a lot and was more
comfortable lying anyway my short free time I used to have some rest. In this
contract my plan of going to the gym failed completely. I mostly ended up
working around 1am, sometimes later and on most days I had to wake up early. I
used to love when I could sleep until
later and it was in one of those mornings that I was awakened by a phone
call saying that I would disembark on the next morning.
Vida Privada: Mari and Andres |
Jojo and Pauli |
Aruba |
Nem consegui dormir mais e depois de algumas conversas
ficou decidido que eu seria transferido de navio no final daquele cruzeiro e eu
teria alguns días a mais no Horizon. Confesso que fiquei triste e nao quería a
transferencia, mas eu entendía a necessidade dessa mudanca e no fundo sabia que
era a coisa certa a ser feita. Claro que eu tambem nao tinha escolha, a decisao
ja estava tomada. Isso e algo que ja havia vivenciado em navio antes e nem
sempre e algo prazeroso.
I was not able to sleep anymore and after some
discussions it was decided that I would be transferred to another ship at the
end of that cruise so I would have a few more days at the Horizon. I confess
that made me very sad and I did not want to be transferred but I understand the
necessity of such a change and knew deep down it was the right thing to be
done. Of course I also had no choice, the decision was already taken. This is
something that I had already experienced working in ship before and is not
always something pleasurable.
Staff Mess |
Crew Bar |
Crew window: how to find out the weather outside |
Os últimos días foram repletos de emocao e recebi um
grande carinho de varias pessoas que trabalhavam comigo, principalmente da
equipe da loja. Foi maravilhoso e foi bem triste dizer adeus. Depois de algumas
dificuldades que tive no pasado com algumas equipes foi muito compensador alem
de toda a cooperacao ainda receber todo aquele carinho.
The past few days
were filled with emotion and got a great fondness of some people who worked
with me especially the shop team. It was wonderful but also very sad to say
goodbye. After some difficulties that I had with some teams in the past it was
very rewarding a part all the co-operation still get all that affection.
Mi hijito |
Claudete and Enzo: a real ship´s kid |
Same ship, differents names: Lavik Vlasak |
A viagem da minha transferencia foi uma verdadeira
bagunca: cheguei no aeroporto da Venezuela e depois de ficar mais de uma hora
na fila descobri que meu bilhete nao estava confirmado. Tive que trocar dólares
pois naquele pais nenhuma moeda estrangeira e aceita (nem mesmo no aeroporto) e
contactar minha compania e o pessoal do navio. Depois de muitos e-mails me
passaram um novo bilhete, cheguei no guiche e ja nao podía mais embarcar
naquele voo. La vou fazer toda a operacao de contactar o navio novamente. Me
arranjaram uma pernoite na cidade de La Guaira num hotel bem mais ou menos e
meu voo era para o Panama de madrugada e depois de 5 horas voei para Sao Paulo.
O ponto positivo disso foi que pude ficar dois dias na minha casa, pois ja nao conseguiría
pegar o Sovereign em Salvador.
The journey of my
transfer was a real mess: I arrived at the airport in Venezuela and after
staying more than an hour in line I discovered that my ticket was not
confirmed. I had to exchange dollars because on that country no foreign currency
is accepted (even at the airport) and get in contact with my company and ship's
personnel. After many emails I received a new ticket, arriving in the guiche
and I could no longer board that flight. So I had to make the whole operation
to contact the ship again. I got one overnight in the city of La Guaira in a
"more or less" hotel and my
flight to Panama was early in the morning and only after 5 hours in the airport
I flew to Sao Paulo. The good thing of this was that I stayed two days in home
because I did not get in time to get the Sovereign in Salvador.
O final do meu contrato no Sovereign eu conto na próxima postagem.
I will write about
the end of this contract onboard the Sovereign on my next post.
crew bar |
Mari |
Busy time at the shops |
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Pauli and Simona |
Colombia: el buseta |
After crew bar |
Aruba: Paulina and Johana |
Aruba: la reina |
Aruba |
Mis chiquititos |
Pauli |
Jojo |
Crew just wanna have fun: Jojo and Chiquinho |
Curacao: Celebrity Eclipse |
Aruba |
Curacao |
Fred |