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Sheila susto maior para quem embarcou há poucos dias Sheila very scared for who just embarked a few days ago |
E ai galera blz? Espero q sim...
What's up guys? I hope you are ok ...
Por aqui td bem, passado o susto que passei...
So far everything is good on here, after the scare we had ...
Ontem acordei por volta de seis horas da manhã com o alerta do navio. Despertei timidamante com o sinal para tripulantes (q nos treinamentos tem cerca de 40 segs) so que a campainha não parava de soar e durou mais de 2 minutos. Tentei acender a luz ao lado da cama que não acendeu. Pensei: FUDEU e pulei da cama, eu durmo na de cima.
Yesterday I woke up around 6 AM with the loud ship's alarm. I woke slowly and noted the crew signal (on training it last about 40 secs) so that the doorbell kept ringing and lasted more than 2 minutes. I tried turning on the light on the bed side but that did not work. I thought: OH FUCK and I jumped out of bed (I sleep on the top one).
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Cara de assustado do meu colega de cabine: Cleiton The scared face of my cabin mate: Cleiton |
I started putting on socks, shoes, open my suitcase that was locked to get my warm clothes, I took the chance to get my money and also wear the lifeguard. I drank some water as my throat was dry. I did all this in the dark. I had yet to I wake up Cleiton screaming, he had not been awakened by the alarm. I took no longer than 2 minutes.
Nos corredores correria, tensão e escuridão. Cheguei a minha estação de checagem, no deck 07 (moro no 3) e ouvi a mensagem do capitão:
In the corridors: personnel running, a lot of tension and darkness. I arrived at my "checking station", on deck 07 (I live on deck 3) and the captain gave the message:
O alivio e a raiva se misturaram automaticamente. Afinal eu fiquei tão tenso pensando em lembrar de todos os procedimentos pra que tudo desse certo. Fiquei enchardo de suor por causa da correria e dos agasalhos que vestia. Voltei para a cabine e nos corredores pude ver algumas caras ainda assustadas e a algazarra por parte dos mais foliões. Só então deu pra ver gente descalça e de salva-vidas, de pijama, descabelados...
The relief and anger get mixed automatically. I was so tense remembering all the procedures and the right sequence to get everything done right. I got totally sweaty because of the rush and the warm clothes I was wearing. I went back to the cabin and in the corridors I noted some guys who still frightened and there was some noise by the revelers. Only then I noted there was some barefoot people and wearing life jackets, pajamas, disheveled ...
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Tripulantes no corredor após o susto Crew Members in the hallway after the shock |
The heat got stronger due the lack of air conditioning and many crew members went to the crew open deck (the stern of the ship, deck 7). There are several crew stories on there: people who did not wake up on time, others did not arrive at the station, others came faster than they imagined. But there was something common for all: the curiosity to know what really happened.
Aos poucos a luz e a água voltaram a funcionar, o ar condicionado ainda falhava em algumas partes do navio. Passamos o dia ancorado perto de Ilha Grande, dizem que cerca de 1 hora do ponto onde deveríamos ancorar. E a noite partimos para Ilha Bela. Onde estou sentado no Pier; como diz o Rodrigo como um mendingo virtual usando o wireless gratuito que só descobri hoje, ultima vez que paramos aqui.
Gradually the light and the water started to work again, the air conditioning has failed in some parts of the ship. We spent the day anchored near Ilha Grande, the gossip said about one hour from where the ship should anchor. During the night we went to Ilha Bela, where I am now: sitting on the Pier, as Rodrigo says: we are like virtual beggars using the free wi-fi internet, that I just found out today, last time we stopped here.
Durante o dia o capitão fez varios anúncios falando sobre a situação. E muita coisa foi dita e especulada a respeito do que iria acontecer. Por hora tudo parece estar bem, pois chegamos ao destino de hoje e nada foi dito sobre cancelamento do proximo cruzeiro para Buenos Aires. Aliás esse será o ultimo da temporada brasileira.
During the day the captain made several announcements talking about the situation. And a lot has been said and speculated about what would happen next. By now all seems well, because we reached the scheduled port for today and nothing had been said about canceling the next cruise to Buenos Aires. In fact this will be the last cruise of the season in Brazil.
Choco: susto e sono Choco: fear and sleep |
Muitos passageiros ficaram revoltados com o cancelamento do porto de ontem e foram reclamar na recepção. Tadinho dos meus amigos recepcionistas. Eu fiquei contente por não ter que passar o dia a deriva dentro de um bote salva-vidas, com comida e bebida racionada aguardando por resgate. Devido a falta de exaustores a comida do almoço foi uma grande festa: hamburguer, cachorro-quente, batata frita e sorvete pra todo mundo.
Many passengers were angry about the port's cancellation yesterday and they were complaining at the reception. I really feel sorry for my receptionists friends. At the end I was really glad for not having to spend the day drifting in a lifeboat with rationed food and drink waiting for rescue. Due to lack of exhaust food for lunch was a great party: hamburgers, hot dogs, fries and ice cream for everyone.
Acabei de ler a noticia no Estadão.com.br. E algumas coisas parecem especulações:
- eu não ouvi explosão nenhuma e nem fiquei sabendo de nada...
- eu não vi, fiquei sabendo ou senti qualquer cheiro de queimado...
- pelo que sei não ficamos "a deriva", ja que o navio ficou parado no mesmo lugar o dia todo.
I just read the news on Estadão.com.br. And some details seems like speculation:
- I did not hear any explosion, neither know anything about it...
- I didn't saw, heard or felt any smell of burning ...
- For all I know the ship was not drifting as it was stopped in the same place the entire day.
Bagunça na cabine após o susto Mess in the cabin after the "fright" |
What saved me yesterday was the midnight RPM class that I joined the passengers for some "ride". It was one of the best I've ever done. And this morning I did another spinning class and a hydro bike class, very good also. I already miss the classes of the Wellness cruise.
Preciso ir pois o tempo esta acabando. Sinto que esqueci de contar algo, o que é jornalisticamente imperdoável. Mas, ainda não posso usar todo o tempo que gostaria com isso. Lembrem-se que faço isso no meu tempo de folga. rsrsrsrrs
I must go because I'm running out of time. I feel like I forgot to tell you something, what is journalistically unforgivable. But I still can not spend the time that I want with this. Remember: I do this in my on free time. LOL
Aliás o prefeito de Ilha Bela veio falar conosco e contar que instalou internet gratuita e sem fio em algumas ruas há cerca de 20 dias. Pena que minha bateria acabou e tive de correr pra lan house. Ainda bem que as atualizações foram salvas no lap top. Principalmente porque ultimamente escrevo direto na net antes de postar.
In fact the mayor of Ilha Bela just came to us and told me they installed wireless free internet in some streets about 20 days. Unfortunately my lap top battery died and I had to run for the cyber cafe. I'm glad the updates have been saved in the lap top. Mostly 'cause lately I just write directly on the net before posting.
bjs lov u e mais ainda saudades de todos!!!
Kisses, lov u all and miss you all a lot!!!
Sem ar condicionado a maioria da tripulação foi para o deck aberto Having no air conditioning working most of the crew went to the open deck |