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MSC Fantasia: with Luciana and Helio |
E ai galera, blz?! Espero que sim...
Hey folks, what´s up?! I hope you are ok...
"Nota de ultima hora: enquanto organizava essa postagem recebi um e-mail mudando meu embarque para o Horizon. Entao em algumas horas estarei embarcando no Caribe e nao mais aqui em Santos no Empress... em breve novidades do navio que ja foi o meu querido Island Star!!!
Last minute note: while organizing this post I received an email changing my boarding pass for the Horizon. So in a few hours I'll be boarding in the Caribbean and no more here in Santos at the Empress ... soon news of the ship that was already my beloved Island Star!!!"
A data de desembarque se confirmou e ja estou quase no fim das minhas ferias, a cerca de uma semana de embarcar para um novo contrato no Empress. Tenho aproveitado para descansar bastante, pois apesar de ter sido pouco tempo no Sovereign, foi um período intenso de muito trabalho e aprendizado. Terminei o contrato de uma maneira bem diferente do que quando embarquei: estava gostando do pessoal, do navio e aprendendo bastante com meus companheiros de trabalho. Tenho de confessar que nas ultimas semanas antes do meu desembarque me sentia tao cansado como se estivesse a bordo por mais de 6 meses. Apesar disso foi um otimo contrato e terminei satisfeito com tudo que aconteceu.
The disembarking date was confirmed and l'm already nearing the end of my vacation in about a week I will be embarking the Empress for a new contract. I am taking this time to rest a lot because despite being a short time in the Sovereign, it was an intense period of hard work and learning. I finished the contract in a very different way than when I boarded: I was enjoying: the people, the ship and learning a lot from my co-workers. I have to confess that in the last weeks before my landing I felt so tired as if I were on board for more than 6 months. Although it was an awesome contract and I ended very satisfied with everything that happened.
The disembarking date was confirmed and l'm already nearing the end of my vacation in about a week I will be embarking the Empress for a new contract. I am taking this time to rest a lot because despite being a short time in the Sovereign, it was an intense period of hard work and learning. I finished the contract in a very different way than when I boarded: I was enjoying: the people, the ship and learning a lot from my co-workers. I have to confess that in the last weeks before my landing I felt so tired as if I were on board for more than 6 months. Although it was an awesome contract and I ended very satisfied with everything that happened.
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Para mais fotos da minha vista ao MSC Fantasia acesse a pagina do Na Cabine no Facebook For more pictures of my visit to MSC Fantasia check Na Cabine Facebook page |
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MSC Fantasia: 1st leaving from Santos, Brazilian season 2012- 13 |
A ultima semana a bordo foi corrida, eu e os demais integrantes do time estavamos tao cansados que a minha despedida foi apenas um encontro no crew bar pra bebermos, tirarmos fotos e papearmos, mas a crew party no comeco do meu ultimo cruzeiro foi muito boa, apesar do calor. A volta pra casa foi marcada pela turbulencia no voo que peguei de Barcelona para Munich, onde entao peguei outro aviao para o Brasil. Esse susto nao conseguiu estragar a minha satisfacao pela noite que passei em Barcelona esperando pelo meu voo no dia seguinte ao meu desembarque. Meus amigos sabem o quanto amo essa cidade e nem preciso dizer que mesmo com frio que estava deixei as malas no hotel e passei a noite na rua. (Obrigado "Papai do Céu", pode sempre me deixar de pernoite em Barcelona no final dos meus contratos, rs).
The last week on board was very busy, me and other members of the team were just so tired that my farewell party was only a meeting at the crew bar to drink, take pictures and chat but the crew party in the beginning of my last cruise was very good, despite the strong heat. The return to home was marked by the turbulence on the flight I took from Barcelona to Munich, where I took another plane to Brazil. This scare could not spoil my satisfaction for the overnight I spent in Barcelona waiting for my flight on the next day of my disembarking. My friends know how much I love this city and even with the strong cold I left my bags at the hotel and spent the night on the street. (Thanks "Father of Heaven", you can always provide me overnight in Barcelona at the end of my contracts, lol).
The last week on board was very busy, me and other members of the team were just so tired that my farewell party was only a meeting at the crew bar to drink, take pictures and chat but the crew party in the beginning of my last cruise was very good, despite the strong heat. The return to home was marked by the turbulence on the flight I took from Barcelona to Munich, where I took another plane to Brazil. This scare could not spoil my satisfaction for the overnight I spent in Barcelona waiting for my flight on the next day of my disembarking. My friends know how much I love this city and even with the strong cold I left my bags at the hotel and spent the night on the street. (Thanks "Father of Heaven", you can always provide me overnight in Barcelona at the end of my contracts, lol).
Depois de muito descanso essa semana retomei meu contato com a vida a bordo, dessa vez visitando o MSC Fantasia, que segundo a mídia e a grande novidade para esta temporada de cruzeiros no Brasil. O Hélio, amigo escoteiro de muito tempo esta a bordo e conseguiu a permissao pra eu e a Luciana visitarmos o navio. A gente podia ver que havia todo o clima de preparacao para o incio de temporada, entao so pudemos conversar com alguns tripulantes e nao posso dizer muito da vida a bordo nesse navio, mas fiquei impressionado com a beleza e as atracoes.
After a lot rest this week I restarted my contact with life on board, this time visiting the MSC Fantasia, which according to the local media is the great news for this cruise season in Brazil. Helio a old boyscout friend who is on board, got the permission for me and Luciana visit the ship. We could see that there was all the atmosphere of preparation for the beginning of the season so we just talked withy a frew crew and I can not say much about life aboard this ship but I was impressed with the beauty and attractions.
After a lot rest this week I restarted my contact with life on board, this time visiting the MSC Fantasia, which according to the local media is the great news for this cruise season in Brazil. Helio a old boyscout friend who is on board, got the permission for me and Luciana visit the ship. We could see that there was all the atmosphere of preparation for the beginning of the season so we just talked withy a frew crew and I can not say much about life aboard this ship but I was impressed with the beauty and attractions.
Antes de falar do que vi a bordo quero falar da atencao e carinho que o Hélio deu pra mim e pra Luciana, mesmo com toda a correria do trabalho dele. A gente tambem conseguiu conversar um pouco mais com um dos animadores, um rapaz de Buzios que foi bem simpatico e atencioso conosco. Apesar de nao ter mais detalhes da vida de tripulantes, confesso que se fosse como passageiro gostaria de experimentar um cruzeiro no MSC Fantasia. O barco é lindo, grande e repleto de atracoes. Para se ter uma ideia da grandeza: eu a Luciana demoramos quase duas horas apenas para caminhar pelas areas publicas do navio.
Before talking about what I saw on board I would like to mention the attention and affection that Hélio gave to me and Luciana, even with all the rush of his job. We also managed to talk a little more with one of the animators, a guy from Buzioswho was very kind and helpful to us. Despite not having more details about crew life, I confess that if I was a passenger I would like to try a cruise on the MSC Fantasia. The ship is beautiful, and full of great attractions. To get an idea of the greatness: it took almost two hours for me and Luciana just to walk through the public areas of the ship.
Infelizmente o Helio estava bastante ocupado e nao pudemos passar muito tempo juntos, mas papeamos um pouco e ele inclusive contou sobre a visita da apresentadora Xuxa ao MSC Fantasia no dia anterior a minha visita. Segundo ele, a apresentadora tem um carisma unico e especial e chegou ate a comover um oficial Bulgaro, casado com uma ex tripualnte brasileira. Xuxa teria chamado a filha do casal para fotos e abracos e elel adorou o gesto da apresentadora que ele conhecia dos videos assistidos pela menina.
Unfortunately Helio was very busy and could not spend much time togethe, but talked for a while and he even told of the visit of the MSC Fantasia by the Brazilian TV presenter Xuxa on the day before my visit. According to him, the presenter has a unique and special charisma and reached up to touch a Bulgarian officer married to a former Brazilian crew. Xuxa would have called their daughter for pictures and hugs and he loved the presenter attitude that he knew from the videos watched by the girl.
Nesse mesmo dia o Empress também estava fazendo a primeira escala dessa temporada em Santos. Pela primeira vez pude ver de perto a pintura nova que o barco recebeu no ultimo dry doc: na minha opniao ficou lindo, eu adorei a nova cara. Infelizmente pela correria da visita nao encontrei os amigos que queria e so pude falar rapidamente com alguns deles que estavam trabalhando no embarque de passageiros. Em alguns dias a gente vai se encontrar e teremos bastante tempo pra conversar.
That same day the Empress was also making the first stop of this season at Santos. For the first time I could see the new paint on the boat received during the last dry doc: in my opinion it was beautiful, I loved the new look. Unfortunately due to the rush of Fantasia visiting I could not found the friends what I wanted and so I spoke briefly with some of them who were working in the embarkation. In a few days we will meet and we will have plenty of time to talk.
Pra mim foi um dia corrido e dedicado aos navios: saindo do porto fui em busca de exames medicos adcionais que me foram requisitados. A sensacao que tenho é de a cada ano que passa, principalmente para a temporada brasileira, mais e mais itens sao requiridos para o embarque de tripulantes. Terminei o dia na Ponta da Praia em Santos, proximo a saida do canal do porto da cidade e pude ver a saida dos dois navios. Era algo que havia feito algumas vezes antes de embarcar como tripulante, mas foi uma emocao legal ver a saida dos navios do lado de fora.
For me it was a busy day and dedicated to the ships: leaving the port I went to sort my aditional medical examinations ordered by the company. The sensation I have is every year mainly for the Brazilian season, more and more items are required for boarding the crew. I finished the day at Ponta da Praia in Santos, near the outlet channel of the port city and I could see the departure of the two ships. It was something that I done a few times before become a crewmember but it was a nice thrill to see the ships leaving from the outside.
Ainda o porto de Santos...
Still the port of Santos...
Eu lamento de verdade, mas nao da pra ignorar que algumas deficiencias seguem acontecendo na operacao do terminal: depois de retirarmos nossos cartoes de visitantes fomos ao portao indicado para irmos ate o navio, a funcionaria gesticulando que ficassemos de lado, nos respondeu de maneira rispida que naquele momento ninguem podia embarcar e que nao sabia quando poderiamos faze-lo. Ao dela uma outra funcionaria falava gentilmente com um casal e assim que terminou com eles nos chamou de maneira delicada, pedindo nossos cartoes e nos conduzindo ao embarque. Foi sensacional ver numa fracao de minutos dois tratamentos tao diferenciados.
I honestly fell sorry about but I can not ignore some deficiencies in the the operation of the terminal: after get our visitors cards we were shown the gate to procede to the ship, one worker using the hands asked us to stay aside and she responded sharply that at that time no one could enter and when she did not know when we could do it. Another lady who was speaking kindly with a couple after ended with them so gently called us asking for our cards and driving us to board. It was great to see in a fraction of minutes two very different treatments.
A imprensa local divulgou que varias obras estao sendo executadas para a melhoria do terminal do futuro, inclusive ampliando a capacidade de navios no porto. Realmente o espaco melhorou bastante e novas obras sao visiveis no percurso de onibus do porto ate a entrada do navio. Alias, essa é uma parte estranha pois esse trajeto dura cerca 10 minutos dentro do porto passando por containers, guindastes e empilhadeiras. Em verdade isso e uma melhora, pois ate o ano passado esse percurso era feito pela area externa do porto, enfrentando o transito local.
The local media reported that several works are being carried out to improve the terminal's for the future, including expanding the capacity of ships in port. It is clear that the space vastly improved and the new works are visible on the bus route from the port until the ships´gangway. Actually this is a strange part because this trip takes about 10 minutes inside the port passing through containers, cranes and forklifts. In fact this this is an improvement because until last year this route was done by the area outside the harbor, facing the local traffic
Lamentavelmente pude notar que a regra de tripulantes sairem do terminal pela area de bagagem esta mantida, entao segue sendo necessario dar a volta em toda o terminal e perder precioso tempo livre para entrar e sair do porto. Espero que eu tenha um embarque mais tranquilo nesse porto em alguns dias. Novamente reforço que torço muito para que o porto de Santos seja considerado um dos melhores do mundo, afinal e o porto da minha cidade. Mas infelizmente além das obras a operacao e a melhor preparacao de funcionarios ainda precisa ser melhorada.
Unfortunately I could see that the rule for crew leaving by the terminal luggage area is maintained, so is still necessary to walk throughout all over the terminal and losing precious free time to enter and leave the port. I hope I have a more relaxed embarkation in this port in a few days. Again my reinforcement that I really wish the port of Santos become considered one of the best in the world, after all this is my hometown port. But unfortunately beyond the works and operation, a best preparation of staff still needs to be improved.
Vale lembrar que enquanto tripulantes somos cobrados o tempo inteiro a prestar o melhor serviço possivel para nossos passageiros e acredito que o desembarque e embarque nos portos é parte da experiencia de um cruzeiro. O tratamento com tripulantes e agilidade no embarque também é algo que se espera melhoras. Seria injustica da minha parte dizer que nem todos funcionarios sao gentis, pois sempre encontro pessoas gentis e cordeais trabalhando aqui no porto de Santos. Me sinto ofendido por esse tratamento e vale lembrar que muitas vezes nós tripulantes gastamos muito, as vezes até mais dinheiro do que passageiros nas cidades visitadas. Dos mais de 100 portos que ja visitei no mundo aqui é o unico lugar onde essa separacao acontece.
I think is worth to remember that as crewmembers we are pressured at all times to provide the best service as possible to our passengers and I believe the embarkation and disembarkation in ports is part of the cruise experience. Treatment with crew and agility for boarding is also something that it would expect improvements. It would be injustice on my part to say that not all employees are nice, because I always meet nice and kindly people working here at the port of Santos. I feel offended by this treatment and is good to remember that we often spend a lot, sometimes even more money than passengers in the visited cities. In more than 100 ports worldwide that I already visited here is the only place where this separation happens.
Agora só me resta aproveitar os ultimos dias de descanso e me preparar para mais um contrato.
Beijos, até mais!!!
Now I can only enjoy the last days of rest and prepare myself for another contract.
Kisses, see you soon!!
Before talking about what I saw on board I would like to mention the attention and affection that Hélio gave to me and Luciana, even with all the rush of his job. We also managed to talk a little more with one of the animators, a guy from Buzioswho was very kind and helpful to us. Despite not having more details about crew life, I confess that if I was a passenger I would like to try a cruise on the MSC Fantasia. The ship is beautiful, and full of great attractions. To get an idea of the greatness: it took almost two hours for me and Luciana just to walk through the public areas of the ship.
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MSC Fantasia: with Luciana |
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MSC Fantasia |
Infelizmente o Helio estava bastante ocupado e nao pudemos passar muito tempo juntos, mas papeamos um pouco e ele inclusive contou sobre a visita da apresentadora Xuxa ao MSC Fantasia no dia anterior a minha visita. Segundo ele, a apresentadora tem um carisma unico e especial e chegou ate a comover um oficial Bulgaro, casado com uma ex tripualnte brasileira. Xuxa teria chamado a filha do casal para fotos e abracos e elel adorou o gesto da apresentadora que ele conhecia dos videos assistidos pela menina.
Unfortunately Helio was very busy and could not spend much time togethe, but talked for a while and he even told of the visit of the MSC Fantasia by the Brazilian TV presenter Xuxa on the day before my visit. According to him, the presenter has a unique and special charisma and reached up to touch a Bulgarian officer married to a former Brazilian crew. Xuxa would have called their daughter for pictures and hugs and he loved the presenter attitude that he knew from the videos watched by the girl.
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MSC Fantasia |
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MSC Fantasia |
Nesse mesmo dia o Empress também estava fazendo a primeira escala dessa temporada em Santos. Pela primeira vez pude ver de perto a pintura nova que o barco recebeu no ultimo dry doc: na minha opniao ficou lindo, eu adorei a nova cara. Infelizmente pela correria da visita nao encontrei os amigos que queria e so pude falar rapidamente com alguns deles que estavam trabalhando no embarque de passageiros. Em alguns dias a gente vai se encontrar e teremos bastante tempo pra conversar.
That same day the Empress was also making the first stop of this season at Santos. For the first time I could see the new paint on the boat received during the last dry doc: in my opinion it was beautiful, I loved the new look. Unfortunately due to the rush of Fantasia visiting I could not found the friends what I wanted and so I spoke briefly with some of them who were working in the embarkation. In a few days we will meet and we will have plenty of time to talk.
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MSC Fantasia: "the guy" from Buzios |
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MSC Fantasia |
Pra mim foi um dia corrido e dedicado aos navios: saindo do porto fui em busca de exames medicos adcionais que me foram requisitados. A sensacao que tenho é de a cada ano que passa, principalmente para a temporada brasileira, mais e mais itens sao requiridos para o embarque de tripulantes. Terminei o dia na Ponta da Praia em Santos, proximo a saida do canal do porto da cidade e pude ver a saida dos dois navios. Era algo que havia feito algumas vezes antes de embarcar como tripulante, mas foi uma emocao legal ver a saida dos navios do lado de fora.
For me it was a busy day and dedicated to the ships: leaving the port I went to sort my aditional medical examinations ordered by the company. The sensation I have is every year mainly for the Brazilian season, more and more items are required for boarding the crew. I finished the day at Ponta da Praia in Santos, near the outlet channel of the port city and I could see the departure of the two ships. It was something that I done a few times before become a crewmember but it was a nice thrill to see the ships leaving from the outside.
Ainda o porto de Santos...
Still the port of Santos...
Eu lamento de verdade, mas nao da pra ignorar que algumas deficiencias seguem acontecendo na operacao do terminal: depois de retirarmos nossos cartoes de visitantes fomos ao portao indicado para irmos ate o navio, a funcionaria gesticulando que ficassemos de lado, nos respondeu de maneira rispida que naquele momento ninguem podia embarcar e que nao sabia quando poderiamos faze-lo. Ao dela uma outra funcionaria falava gentilmente com um casal e assim que terminou com eles nos chamou de maneira delicada, pedindo nossos cartoes e nos conduzindo ao embarque. Foi sensacional ver numa fracao de minutos dois tratamentos tao diferenciados.
I honestly fell sorry about but I can not ignore some deficiencies in the the operation of the terminal: after get our visitors cards we were shown the gate to procede to the ship, one worker using the hands asked us to stay aside and she responded sharply that at that time no one could enter and when she did not know when we could do it. Another lady who was speaking kindly with a couple after ended with them so gently called us asking for our cards and driving us to board. It was great to see in a fraction of minutes two very different treatments.
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MSC Fantasia |
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MSC Fantasia |
A imprensa local divulgou que varias obras estao sendo executadas para a melhoria do terminal do futuro, inclusive ampliando a capacidade de navios no porto. Realmente o espaco melhorou bastante e novas obras sao visiveis no percurso de onibus do porto ate a entrada do navio. Alias, essa é uma parte estranha pois esse trajeto dura cerca 10 minutos dentro do porto passando por containers, guindastes e empilhadeiras. Em verdade isso e uma melhora, pois ate o ano passado esse percurso era feito pela area externa do porto, enfrentando o transito local.
The local media reported that several works are being carried out to improve the terminal's for the future, including expanding the capacity of ships in port. It is clear that the space vastly improved and the new works are visible on the bus route from the port until the ships´gangway. Actually this is a strange part because this trip takes about 10 minutes inside the port passing through containers, cranes and forklifts. In fact this this is an improvement because until last year this route was done by the area outside the harbor, facing the local traffic
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MSC Fantasia: leaving Santos |
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MSC Fantasia |
Lamentavelmente pude notar que a regra de tripulantes sairem do terminal pela area de bagagem esta mantida, entao segue sendo necessario dar a volta em toda o terminal e perder precioso tempo livre para entrar e sair do porto. Espero que eu tenha um embarque mais tranquilo nesse porto em alguns dias. Novamente reforço que torço muito para que o porto de Santos seja considerado um dos melhores do mundo, afinal e o porto da minha cidade. Mas infelizmente além das obras a operacao e a melhor preparacao de funcionarios ainda precisa ser melhorada.
Unfortunately I could see that the rule for crew leaving by the terminal luggage area is maintained, so is still necessary to walk throughout all over the terminal and losing precious free time to enter and leave the port. I hope I have a more relaxed embarkation in this port in a few days. Again my reinforcement that I really wish the port of Santos become considered one of the best in the world, after all this is my hometown port. But unfortunately beyond the works and operation, a best preparation of staff still needs to be improved.
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MSC Fantasia |
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MSC Fantasia: leaving Santos |
Vale lembrar que enquanto tripulantes somos cobrados o tempo inteiro a prestar o melhor serviço possivel para nossos passageiros e acredito que o desembarque e embarque nos portos é parte da experiencia de um cruzeiro. O tratamento com tripulantes e agilidade no embarque também é algo que se espera melhoras. Seria injustica da minha parte dizer que nem todos funcionarios sao gentis, pois sempre encontro pessoas gentis e cordeais trabalhando aqui no porto de Santos. Me sinto ofendido por esse tratamento e vale lembrar que muitas vezes nós tripulantes gastamos muito, as vezes até mais dinheiro do que passageiros nas cidades visitadas. Dos mais de 100 portos que ja visitei no mundo aqui é o unico lugar onde essa separacao acontece.
I think is worth to remember that as crewmembers we are pressured at all times to provide the best service as possible to our passengers and I believe the embarkation and disembarkation in ports is part of the cruise experience. Treatment with crew and agility for boarding is also something that it would expect improvements. It would be injustice on my part to say that not all employees are nice, because I always meet nice and kindly people working here at the port of Santos. I feel offended by this treatment and is good to remember that we often spend a lot, sometimes even more money than passengers in the visited cities. In more than 100 ports worldwide that I already visited here is the only place where this separation happens.
Agora só me resta aproveitar os ultimos dias de descanso e me preparar para mais um contrato.
Beijos, até mais!!!
Now I can only enjoy the last days of rest and prepare myself for another contract.
Kisses, see you soon!!
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MSC Fantasia: leaving Santos |
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Empress: leaving Santos |
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Empress: leaving Santos |
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Empress: leaving Santos |
For more pictures of the Empress leaving Santos check Na Cabine Facebook page
1 comment:
To doida pra conhecer o Fantasia, não canso de ver fotos dele!!!!
E esse sentimento de ver o navio partindo é estranha mesmo, quando desembarquei fui passar uns dias em São Vicente... Estava voltando de uma caminhada na orla, quando vi o Costa Magica passando "do meu lado", foi uma sensação muito estranha... Como eu queria estar lá dentro! rs
Não conheço o Horizon, mas fazer Caribe é uma delicia!!!! Acho que fizeram uma boa troca pra vc!
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